So last night a friend called and said something about her son's preschool being closed Tuesday. I had no idea why. Turns out she and the weather man were right. We woke up this morning to 3-4 inches of snow. C was so excited- he ran around looking out all the windows "Mommy there's snow everywhere!" K climbed down fast from his top bunk to go see it. T didn't know to be excited about but he definitely saw through the playroom windows that something looked different outside. I managed to keep the excited boys inside until T took a nap and even a little later as the boys did some toy swapping in their new, cleaner, warmer playroom.
K had a whole list of things to do in the snow- walk backwards to make me think he was going the other way, make snow angels, make a snowman, ... C's top things to do were throw snowballs and eat the snow. After lunch we all played some more, 4 " is much higher on an 18 month old so little T had to work harder to walk. All the good playing made for hungry boys at dinner and sleepy boys at bedtime which was really good because it tired me out too!
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