Sunday, August 23, 2020

Christmas 2019

Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year! In past years, I would have tried to rearrange these photos to be in chronological order from this season, but ... the pictures will have to be where they are! Life is too short and full and wonderful and busy for me to be rearranging photos :) (Now if anyone is reading this and the order of your pictures bothers you, by all means, change them but I just read this super quote: 

"If you don't have time for things that matter, stop doing things that don't."

What a great thought! For me, recording some of the memories and moments matters, the order doesn't. so with that long intro :) 
Christmas 2019 was wonderful- not perfect but wonderful. We did have one big low - which was that my super husband James spent Christmas week sick in bed :( so you won't find him in many pictures, but he did say that he had time for lots of good thinking while he was in bed all week. 

We almost didn't paint this year because it's so messy but when my favorite 12 yo son asked several times, how could I say no. And I'm so glad we did. You can't tell in this pic with the backwards, inside out T-shirt, that everyone was really at peace. Enjoying being creative, enjoying Christmas music, just being together- I wish I could really capture that here!

We did have a lot of really good food. I didn't get pictures of Christmas breakfast (Eggnog French Toast Casserole) but it was good. Then we had delicious prime rib that my parents brought from FL. We used Steven's brussel sprouts idea which turned out great and the popovers were really good too! I really should have taken a picture of our Jesus cake because it didn't turn out so pretty, but it tasted good, it had layers of sin, covered in blood, then white as snow and growing new and green. Our life in Christ isn't always pretty but it's good! 

Fun to find Santa, cocoa, and cookies after the Christmas Eve service! 

I like working together as a family. James wrapped the box for the used candles from the candlelight service while the kids and I assembled candles and placed on seat. So good they can all help now! 

T enjoyed his painting class at Eday and painted lots of pictures this year! 

T painting #2. I don't have a painting of mine on here but it's beautiful Nativity! 

One of two tough puzzles these guys did quickly! 

Pre-Nutcracker fun with friends!

Christmas cookie decorating fun! 

Waiting for neighborhood Santa to arrive on the firetruck

The weather outside was not frightful
so outside was really delightful!
Since there wasn't any snow
To Cookout and Clark Park we must go! 

Christmas carol game fun- still my all time favorite Christmas game. I don't know if the game is on the link but there might be some other fun ones!

Christmas books are another favorite part for me! And movies! We saw some good ones- I really liked Paper Angels. Elf is funny. I cried through "All I want for Christmas." We watched all 3 Santa Clause movies this year- cute. 

Loved our walk in the woods- so nice out! I also enjoyed Ryan's Reindeer Run this year! Fun to see all the costumes and friendly faces!

Always fun to be with Spradlings! And they always feed us well. V looks like he's enjoying that whipped cream :) 

Merry Christmas! Almost got the whole crew!

Loved K's "Peach be with you" Nativity

New tradition- Rainbow Punch- I was aiming for green lime sherbet but we may keep this! Fun and easier to find! 

Our nursing home visit went well! Our 5th year going- 4th year coordinating! I wrote a post or evernote or some kind of note on lessons learned to continue to improve. but the real lesson learned is that it's good for everyone to give back. we felt joy at seeing the joy on some faces who hadn't had a hug, received a gift, been sung to for a long time! Love that! 
(Even if I get stressed while planning- so worth it!)

This was definitely a meaningful night. James and I went caroling with our Love and Respect small group. Tears

Love this amazing map of Ranger Rusty's Ramblings

We had such a great visit with Steven. So many things I could write about but Duck Donuts and pictures of fun playing sums up lots of it. Sweet and Fun!

So many hours of board games, 4 square (including lessons on how to really play), ping-pong, ...

Pine Valley Santa afternoon was fun!

Love decorating our tree! So many memories of our wedding, our life, ...

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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