Thursday, January 23, 2014


Time is literally flying by. K always laugh when I say it seems like he was born yesterday. but that saying about the days are long but the years are short is so true. It really does seem like yesterday that baby C was born. Now she's doing so many fun things. She walks all over the place. We went to the park last week and she didn't want to swing or see saw because she was so happy that she could walk everywhere. On the way to the park, she noticed her shadow and was so excited. It took us a long time to get there because she kept playing with her shadow. So fun! She's saying more words now. She signs please when she wants to :)  She knows "sit bottom" and does it really well when there's food involved. She is a super eater  (loves liver, brussel sprouts, carrots, peas, plain pumpkin...)  but when she's not very hungry she knows what she likes and lets you know. She's learned to shake her head no and nod yes and she can almost nod without moving her whole body. She loves the kids and they're crazy about her even if she's sure she should be able to have everything she wants- working on that :)

well as I write this, I see that although time is flying by, I am able to appreciate some of these small steps. Soon we'll be flying in more ways. Flying as in all the things we need to do before moving this summer and flying to our new destination! Only K and C have ever flown and they weren't old enough to remember. The last time we flew was for my 10 year reunion so K had just turned two. This time they'll remember. Getting ready to move is a different experience this time too. The kids understand a lot more now so we've been talking about the good and not so good things about moving. They're a little nervous but we're so thankful to know people who've lived where we're going. I told the kids they could send questions to our friends' kids who lived there.

We are taking time to enjoy here too. We enjoyed having James home with us an extra couple days this week thanks to snow. The kids got to go sledding three days this week. Good times! Scones, gingerbread tea, and poems one day. Super beef stew tonight. We're enjoying read about Marco Polo, Michaelangelo, the Little Princess, good times!

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