Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More Fun

So we're sitting outside watching three boys do the slip and slide- all in their different ways. K has been telling me that C broke the rules (which I'm sure is right but he's having a blast doing it.) T is doing his own thing in an almost 2 year old way and KG is thankfully taking a good nap so I thought this would be a good time to catch up on the blog. Here's a few pics from our fun summer. Here are the boys in Morocco (actually the Marbles museum in Raleigh for Father's Day.our family about the walk the gang plank :) actually a rare moment of all 6 of us awake and in the picture together

the boys paused long enough in their sock hockey game for me to get this pic
here's sweet baby girl already 3 months old!

I think what's hard about digital cameras is you get so many good pics- it's hard to figure out which ones to use. I think June Cleaver's house wouldn't have been so perfect if she had digital pics, facebook, flickr, and email to keep up with! (I may have to add that to my facebook status- forget my messy kitchen!)

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