Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Crusaders 2019

We love our boys' homeschool soccer team- the Crusaders started 3 years ago and have grown lots in numbers, size, and skill. We've loved every year of playing and growing together! I may have written this before but another list of what we love about Crusaders is in order!

I love that
-our 3 boys can play together- along with 4 other pairs of brothers! It's a real band of brothers!

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-James can help with the team
-our youngest 3 can have fun with all the younger siblings on the sidelines
-great group of young men/ Moms/ families
-practice in the afternoons
-they're improving each year
-friendships are growing and growing
-carpools are terrific
-Coach Levi cares about the boys' character and development on and off the field
-we have our end of year celebration at the pavilion which is fun (soccer/ playground/ chatting), good (pizza and dessert), and easy
-we have a resident photographer and 2 doctors! (thankful we haven't needed the doctor opinion much but good as a backup!)

Crusaders 2017-
look how young they look and the coaches look tall! 
2018- silly boys

2018 tournament pic

Crusaders 2019
-instead of trophies/ certificates Coach speaks about each boy at the end of year celebration- some highlights from this year: T- mentally always in right spot.  C & K- fire and ice- can you guess which one which? one plays with fire and one an anchor
-the games are getting better and better- first year 0 wins. second year- boys won 1 game. This year we won 4 and tied 1.
-the tournament game was really well played. we lost 4-0 but it was so much closer than that.
-boys continue to play together in off-season during Eday and Wednesday afternoons.

Dream Run 2019
Tournament 2019
Loved this- presenting the boys varsity high school team and praying!

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