Saturday, April 6, 2013

Happy Easter!

We had a wonderful Easter. We didn't talk much about lent but we did focus on Holy Week.  We used some ideas from here more for the audio Bible links. We did a few crafts but I just wasn't feeling crafty. We did read Holy Week stories lots of places- the Bible, the Illustrated Bible, the Jesus Storybook Bible.

We watched a cartoon Easter movie which was pretty accurate Friday night and then James and I watched The Passion of the Christ.

Easter morning we did make Resurrection Rolls which turned out good. Every year for a long time I've attempted to make Easter cookies- the kind that the recipe tells the story and overnight they're supposed to rise. But ours never did so I'm happy with crescent rolls and marshmallows!

K and C sang with KWAM in church. They sang one song and then did a human video for Carmen's Sunday's on the Way. It was really good.  We stayed at Trinity's Easter Eggstravaganza and then home for French Toast. About 3 we started getting ready for a Christian Passover Meal  I was way tired that night because we made everything in just a couple hours (not my best idea) but it turned out really nice.

We used our good china- roasted lamb, asparagus, new potatoes, unleavened bread, "new life" cake, and wine. We sat on the ground in the living room for the ceremony. It was wonderful. I definitely want to keep this as an Easter tradition.

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

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