Monday, February 1, 2010

Snow Days

We finally got the snow that C wanted for his birthday and we spent the last few days enjoying it. James got to go play outside with the kids a little while this morning before work. K & C both said their favorite part of the day was sledding with Daddy. This year the snow boots, hat, and gloves take up more room but at least 2 kids can mostly dress themselves. Although you can see that T never kept all his warm clothes on.
during some time warming up inside, we did some spur of the moment science- mixing water & oil. I should have gotten a pic of the boys pretending to be water & oil molecules.

Even KG enjoyed sledding. James like it until he slid into the holly bush.

T dressed up as a construction lion.
Baby girl's 10 month photo.
C tried to turn the sled into a snowboard- maybe next year! The boys did do some sledding with the kids down the street- which made me think we should probably get a couple of sleds (instead of recycling container lids.)

I don't have any pics of Decimal Street but we did enjoy that for math the last couple days. K was doing great adding up all the people living on Decimal Street.

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