We love Jesus, our family, friends, and country. We have four super boys and two amazing little girls, We rock the black and gold, believe the Bible, love homemade pizza and popcorn, sports and everything outdoors. We love Jesus and try to follow Him!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Snow Days
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Boys are growing up!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Around the Word
As a church, our vision is to Advance the Kingdom of God across the earth. One of the ways we accomplish this vision is by equipping people to change their sphere of influence. We believe the blueprint for this change is found in the Bible. Nothing can change your life like regular contact with the living Word of God. Taken in daily doses, your life cannot help but align with His plan, purpose, and direction. As you draw closer to Him and learn more about His purposes, He will be faithful to lead you into the very fullness of life He has destined for you. Join us on this journey over the next 360 days as we read through the Bible, deepening our individual walks with Him. As your pastor, I am excited to see what this year will bring to you and to us as a church as we worship Him together in our daily life.
Michael P. Fletcher
I'm really excited about the Bible reading program that we've been doing with our church this year. Well, I'm glad for the program and really excited about the great passages I've been reading. It's amazing how the Bible really is living- you can read the same verse over lots of times and it's ok, but then you read it and wow, it just speaks to you. I could write tons about what I've read over the last month but will just write about the last couple days. We've been reading in Exodus- the 10 plagues, the crossing the Red Sea, God providing for the Israelites...
God showed His power over & over (the 10 plagues). God provided for the Israelites (he caused the Egyptian people to grant them favor in giving them items.) He provided guidance for them in different ways based on their situation and ability to see (cloud by day, fire by night- interesting that at night time, dark hours, He used more powerful guidance.) After all that, the Israelites still feared when Pharoah chased them- God was still much stronger just like when He brought all the plagues on Egypt but in the panic of the moment, the Israelites feared. (Some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Ps 20:7
Then God met all their needs in the desert. He poured out blessing after blessing on them and they groaned (I groan). I should trust that God who meets my needs will provide me with enough ____ (time, energy, friends, sun, clothes, ...) God provided but the Israelites still had to go gather what He provided. When they hoarded (took more than they need), it rotted. The Israelites had to do their part at the right time or it melted. Those things are all still true for us today. So many truths to find in His Word!