Sunday, January 15, 2012

Last night

So we got home from a wonderful week in the OBX today that I'll blog about later. James is looking at some of our many pictures- I'll add those later.
but tonight is my last night for the next 3 weeks for internet surfing & sugar. we're starting no sugar, no meat, no internet.

here's some of the links i found tonight in my stocking up internet time before the fast (in case you wondered, we had cupcakes for K's 1/2 birthday and reese's white chocolate to fill up our sugar stores before the fast too!)

The mathematics of sin are always the same:


(+) ADDS to your sorrows,

(-) SUBTRACTS from your energy,

(x) MULTIPLIES your troubles,

(/) and DIVIDES your loyalty.

- Jon Cour

Sunday, January 1, 2012


What a wonderful Christmas Eve- celebrating the birth of our Lord. We enjoyed baked chocolate oatmeal and quiche for breakfast, enjoyed time with family (Grandma, Uncle Brian, and Pops Leon drove up from NC yesterday, and practiced our Christmas play. The kids were amazed by our grapes and pretzels lunch and that they got to watch a movie during naptime (well KG napped.)  the perfect time to watch Nativity Story. I was so glad Janelle told me they liked it- we saw it years ago but hadn't thought the kids might be ready for it. it was terrific and really helped bring the story to life.

After a yummy lunch of ham, meatballs, and fruit salad, we went to Trinity's Christmas Eve service. The music was all beautiful but what really struck me the most was watching Mary and Joseph comforting baby Jesus who was not "silent". Especially after watching Nativity Story and being reminded about  young Mary. I was reminded how Mary chose to submit to God's plan even when it was hard for her, something she wasn't totally prepared for, it wasn't the timing she would have picked, ... She trusted God and learned as she went. She said "May it be to me as you have said." I pray that I will follow that!

Another near teary moment was watching a wonderful woman of God from here singing "All is Well." She looked and sounded like an angel. I think it would have been beautiful anyway but knowing how she and her family are in the middle of such a hard time made it even more beautiful.

KG and Pops Leon

T right before church

Mary did you know? 

Uncle B and the gang