Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Well, our boys still wake up at seven, eat yummy breakfast of oatmeal or whole wheat pancakes with blueberry spinach syrup, play, ask for their favorite sandwich (PB or cheese) and then go to their rooms to nap. But since James deployed K has started getting up from the guest room & coming to my room which I knew bc he keeps waking me up. Yesterday when I went in the boys' room after C's nap I found all his napping things (Brian Bear, dinosaur, big blankie, 2 little blankies, and a book) in T's crib (not that T ever sleeps there).

Another change was at PWOC today. The nursery workers apparently changed C's diaper which I discovered as I changed him before his nap. He had a plastic diaper on; unfortunately his cloth diaper never made it home. We even drove back to the chapel and found no diaper. That was one expensive diaper change.

Last change (well we had lots of other diaper changes which I won't describe) is T turning into a little boy. He started walking before James deployed and is getting better & better. The video is taking a long time to upload so I must have more changes to talk about- you can see most of the floor in the office; some of that is from actual cleaning & some from stacking the boxes on top of each other. I am a stacker; I'm sure Fly Lady would not approve at all but she is welcome to come clean herself if it bothers her. While I've gained a new job at home (remote controller), I've learned (even more than I knew before) that there is nothing good on TV. Another change, we're trying out having no glass door on our entertainment center. That wasn't really a choice; the glass door fell down tonight as I was trying to clean up. So again, glass half full- it fell but didn't break. One last change I actually let the boys watch a movie today. We watched Gideon Tuba Warrior (Veggie Tales) as part of our Family Time. We won't make it a habit but it did good messages; pray & trust God & God can use whoever He selects for whatever He decides. I didn't exactly plan this; I missed the fact that VT got to the top of our Netflix list. Well, I did get pics added today but I tink I'll have to try adding video another day.

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