Sunday, January 15, 2012

Last night

So we got home from a wonderful week in the OBX today that I'll blog about later. James is looking at some of our many pictures- I'll add those later.
but tonight is my last night for the next 3 weeks for internet surfing & sugar. we're starting no sugar, no meat, no internet.

here's some of the links i found tonight in my stocking up internet time before the fast (in case you wondered, we had cupcakes for K's 1/2 birthday and reese's white chocolate to fill up our sugar stores before the fast too!)

The mathematics of sin are always the same:


(+) ADDS to your sorrows,

(-) SUBTRACTS from your energy,

(x) MULTIPLIES your troubles,

(/) and DIVIDES your loyalty.

- Jon Cour

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